We have some places available for Year 3 children in September 2024. If you are new to the area and thinking of St Paul’s School for your child, please contact admissions@wokingham.gov.uk as they deal with all admissions to our school.


St. Paul's School Governors come from all areas including: school staff, members of the Church, parents and the local community.

The Full Governing Body meet every half term.

We have 3 main committees that meet at least once every half term and more frequently if required:

  • Learning & Teaching;
  • Finance & Personnel;
  • Health, Safety & Environment.
Minutes of meetings are recorded and hard copies are available. Please contact the school office for more details.  
The Governing Body at St Pauls C of E Junior School consists of the following as set out in the constitution:

The Governing Body

Four Parent Governors

          Sheila Hoover     Vacancy      Vacancy      Vacancy

One Local Authority Governor

          Penny Wallace - Chair

One Headteacher

          Julieanne Taylor

Four Co-opted Governors

          Linda Tritton     Stephen Howard    Jane Light     Bronwyn Kidd 

Three Foundation Governors

          Richard Lamey - Vice-Chair       Jan Norbury         Sunny Pau

One Staff Governor

          Kerry Dwyer

Clerk to the Governors

           Pauline Wells

If you might be interested in becoming a Governor, please contact the School Office on 0118 978 5219, or email the clerk to the governors pauline.wells@stpauls.wokingham.sch.uk 
 Kerry Dwyer
Governor type:    Staff
All I wanted to be and all anybody told me I should be was a primary school teacher.  A few years later, and alongside a little bit of hard work, my dream has come true.  I love the variety with primary education as I am able to teach a broad range of subjects.  I believe that learning is a lifelong process and I will never stop being a learner myself.  Having recently completed a Master’s Degree in Education, I am now studying towards a National Professional Qualification in Senior Leadership.   My specialism is in English and I share this passion and work in a team leading the writing at our school.  In addition to this, I am the Year 5 Team Leader and enjoy being part of the leadership team at St. Paul’s helping support students and develop the teaching and learning in our school.  Being a staff representative on the governing body means that I can be part of the team making sure that our school is the best that it can be for all of our staff and students. 
Sheila Hoover
Governor Type : Parent
I have fond memories of primary school, particularly the friendships, assemblies, music concerts, discos, sporting events and creative writing - lots of creative writing!  I loved History and Science the most in primary school, especially when the teachers made the learning active and memorable.  I can still remember watching a tooth dissolve in cola in year 4 and re-enacting an English Civil War battle in year 5.  I initially wanted to be a journalist, but when, after university, I took a temporary job in a school office, I realised how much I loved being in the school environment. I have now worked as a teacher for close to twenty years, and have had the pleasure of working with children from the ages of 3 to 13.

I volunteered to become a parent governor to give back to St Pauls and take an active role in the school community. The hard work and commitment of the staff and governors is clear to see and I hope to use my knowledge and experience to help St Paul’s offer the children the best school experience possible.


Stephen Howard

Governor Type, Co-opted

Maths Link Governor

Committees: Finance & Personnel

                   Health & Safety

As a Governor, I’m excited to help the staff and pupils of St Paul’s thrive and to support the continued success of the school. I decided to apply to become a Governor during lockdown – I want to play my part in helping all members of the school community, aware that the impact of the pandemic has been different for everyone and every child.

I enjoyed my time at primary school and benefitted from some excellent teachers. We moved home when I was seven and initially, I struggled to adjust to a new school. However, I was very happy by the time I left the school aged 11 and I look back on those times as some of the happiest of my childhood.


Bronwyn Kidd

Governor type: Co-opted

Being a teacher and getting to be involved in the education and pastoral care of young people is one of the greatest privileges in life. I have been teaching for over 15 years, across the primary ages. I look back on my own school days with fondness for the friendships and life experiences. 

Through my current role as a Deputy Head (at neighbouring school), I try to ensure that we are offering every child opportunities to thrive, both academically and emotionally, equipping them equally for positive life experiences as well as tools for when life can be more challenging. 

I look forward to contributing to the excellent care that St Paul’s is already providing for their pupils, parents, staff and wider community.

Father Richard Lamey

 Governor Type:   Foundation

 Committee (s):    Learning & Teaching

 Vice-chair of the full governing body, PP Governor and RE Link Governor

 I am the Rector of St Paul's Church and therefore a Foundation Governor.  I am also the Pupil Premium Governor, responsible for making sure that those children, in particular, are making all of the progress that they should be and are flourishing at school.

My three children all went to a neighbouring Junior school and then went on to three different Secondary schools in the local area which gives me a lot of experience of local education establishments!

I was very happy at my Junior School. I remember huge competition between the classes on Times Tables afternoons.  I was a prefect and remember learning loads of fascinating things about Romans.

The two best things about being a Governor are: getting to know the pupils and realising how individual, talented and eager to learn they are; and also being able to help the School make sure that the education St Paul's offers is the very best that it can be and as good as our pupils deserve.



Jane Light
Governor type: Co-opted
Committees: Finance & Personnel
Data Protection Governor 

I loved school, especially maths, and as my Mum was a teacher, I thought I would like to be one too and spent lots of time 'teaching' my younger brother and my teddies and taking registers! I ended up spending the first part of my career working with data and numbers before changing career 10 years ago to achieve my ambition of working in a school as a business manager.

I am keen to offer my skills to a local Governing Body to continue to support a local school in providing a great all-round education for its children. St Pauls' core values resonate with me and I look forward to working with the school. 

Jan Norbury

 Governor Type:   Foundation

 Committee:    Learning & Teaching

 SEND Governor, Reading and Writing Link Governor

 As a retired teacher I hope to use my skills and experience to support the school in providing a loving, caring environment based on Christian principles for all its children.

As a child, I vividly remember the teachers who made me feel good about myself and made me want to learn.  As a result, my professional career always centred on the needs of the individual child.  St Pauls’ ethos chimes with my own ideas for educating children so I was pleased to accept the position of Foundation Governor.

It was a good decision: I am enjoying being part of an exciting and dynamic community, where pupils and staff are valued, where school life is fun.



Sunny Pau

Governor Type : Foundation

Science Link Governor

I loved school and have always had a great time when I was little. I loved the companionship with my friends, the great examples and inspirations I got from my teachers, every break time between classes, and the classes themselves (of course). Now as a father of a six-year-old boy, I feel privileged and excited to having all the fun again with my child and his friends and walk with him through the school years.

Raised in Anglican primary and secondary schools myself, I truly believe that good values taught and shown in my school years guided me through my young and adolescence years, helped me grow, and continued to be the cornerstone of my values ever since. I believe education shapes and changes lives, and it is no higher honour than being a part in that process. 

I love St Pauls’ core values and ethos, and I look forward to offering my skills and experiences to support St Paul’s to uphold the values and be the best for every child in the school and in future. 

Julieanne Taylor

Governor Type: Headteacher

Committees: Learning and Teaching; Personnel and Finance; Health and Safety

 I really struggled at Junior School and I wasn’t very well behaved. I was regularly sent to the Headteacher. (This happened a lot!) Then I had Mr Bond, the best Y6 teacher ever. He taught me the importance of being the best version of me that I can be. He taught me to be brave and to take risks with my learning. He taught me that I could be anything I wanted to be.

Most parents can name a hundred things they want for their child. For my son, I wanted him to love learning, to be happy at school, surrounded by friends, nurtured by teachers who knew him well and wanted the best for him. I wanted him to go to a school like St Paul’s.

Being the Headteacher of this amazing school is the best job in the world. Being a governor is the 'icing on the cake' as it means that I get to work with a second team of like-minded people who believe that our pupils deserve the very best.



Linda Tritton

 Governor Type: Co-opted

 Committees: Learning & Teaching

 As well as being a Co-opted Governor, I am also a Y6 Teacher, Assessment Leader and the Deputy Head.

My Grandad and Dad influenced my decision to teach. They both loved learning and found joy in education. I also remember some inspirational teachers who helped me choose the path which has led me to where I am today.

I see learning as a lifelong pursuit. Being involved in the learning journey of the pupils of St Paul's, and of my own children, is exciting and stimulating!

The best thing about being a Governor is that I get to be part of decisions which help improve the overall success of our school. 



Penelope (Penny) Wallace

 Governor type:    Local Authority Governor 

 Committees:     Finance & Personnel

                    Health & Safety 

 Chair of the Full Governing Body, Safeguarding Governor, Y5 Link Governor

 My school day memories are mostly happy. I went to a village Primary School, where everybody knew everybody, before going away to a boarding school.

The best thing about being a Governor? As a retired teacher, I love being back in school with plenty of scope to keep up with what is going on in education both locally and nationally.


Bronwyn Kidd

Governor type:  Co-opted

Being a teacher and getting to be involved in the education and pastoral care of young people is one of the greatest privileges in life. I have been teaching for over 15 years, across the primary ages. I look back on my own school days with fondness for the friendships and life experiences. 

Through my current role as a Deputy Head (at neighbouring school), I try to ensure that we are offering every child opportunities to thrive, both academically and emotionally, equipping them equally for positive life experiences as well as tools for when life can be more challenging. 

I look forward to contributing to the excellent care that St Paul’s is already providing for their pupils, parents, staff and wider community.