We have some places available for Year 3 children in September 2024. If you are new to the area and thinking of St Paul’s School for your child, please contact admissions@wokingham.gov.uk as they deal with all admissions to our school.

School Results & Performance Tables 2019

% achieving expected standard National
Reading 73 81
Grammar 78 82
Writing (TA) 78 88
Maths 79 79
Combined (Maths, Writing TA & Reading) 65 75
% Greater depth (exceeding expected standard) National  St  Paul's  
Reading 27 41
Grammar 36 43
Writing (TA) 20 9
Maths 27 37
Combined (Maths, Writing TA & Reading) 11 6
Average Progress Score
Average Progress Score
Reading   -0.2  1.0
Writing -0.7  -1.5
Maths        0 -1


 Average scaled scores National average St Paul's average
Reading 104 107
Grammar, spelling and punctuation 106 106
Maths 105 107
A scaled score of 100 will always represent the expected standard on the test.
Click here for the latest DfE School Performance Tables for our school.